Supplementary material for Generic
stabilisability for time-delayed feedback control
Author: Jan Sieber
This folder contains Matlab code and its output for illustrating
examples used in
Jan Sieber: Generic stabilisability for time-delayed feedback
control, Preprint
download: arxiv:1508.05671.
List of Matlab scripts and their outputs:
- Hopf example output (html):
published Matlab output of HopfExample.m
script. This shows the Matlab code with formatted comments and
graphs similar to the example section in the paper.
- Output (html) for
demo ParametricPendulum.m using
extended time-delayed feedback (ETDF) control to stabilise unstable
oscillations in a parametrically excited pendulum.
List of Matlab functions used in the demonstration scripts:
- SpecExpAssign.m: computes gains K to
assign spectrum of matrix P exp(bK) for nxn matrix P and nx1 vector b.
- etdf_controlled_rhs.m: wrapper
around right-hand side f (in x=f(x,p,u)) to make it fit into
DDE-Biftool's format
- etdf_control.m: constructs ETDF gains
for asymptotic parameters and compute true stability
- gain_of_x.m: convert gain as contructed
by Brunovsky to true x-dependent gain K(x)
Note that the Matlab functions and scripts rely on DDE-Biftool 3.1, available here: